Nov First, Twenty-Twenty

Dylan Smeder
5 min readNov 1, 2020

Youtube and Voting

First Youtube Story … Kinda

Well, I did it. I taped my first video but its defiantly not what is written below. Not eve close. It was done 100% off the cuff in my third try in from of the camera. It looks good. Or I’m pretty happy with it it should say. I really don’t like how much my arms were moving at the beginning. I wanted to post the video by the end of the day today and I think that was my official deadline but decided that I’m going to do it this Friday at noon instead. Since I’m US-based 6 pm on Sunday night isn't going to get the most viewership.

Name for the Post

Is it still possible to make it on youtube in 2020?

Plan for the First Story

I’m here to test the theories and principals laid out to create a successful youtube channel. My larger goal is to learn and share how to use social media as marketing tools for a small business combined with discussing anxiety that I struggle with and how to overcome it to go after your goals.

#1 rule on Youtube,

Post something!! Well, I’m doing that here and now. according to Cathrin Manning (0 to 1000) and XY it's really important to commit to a schedule and post one or two times a week consistently. For now, I’m going to post once a week Sunday nights.

#2 Have a niche e for your channel — Who is your audience? and be specific.

My audience is people who want to build out social media as a marketing tool for a small business using all the breadcrumbs people have left for us while dealing with anxiety.

There is SOO much information on youtube and other sources on how to do this by people who already have. I want to take that information and as an amateur starting at see if I can follow it and succeed.

On the anxiety front my suspicion is that anxiety stops a lot of people from following their dreams so I’m going to bring discussions here to help people overcome it.

I’m not a doctor and I do understand that anxiety can be very different for different people. I am a life and relationship coach and though I’d never diagnosed anything, anxiety in various forms is a conversation I have with many of my clients.

I will mostly be talking about my own experience with anxiety and tools I use or t work through it, so if there is something that doesn't match your experience or questions please respond in the comments. As long as the number of comments reasonable I’m happy to respond. I also have a blog that I’ll link to below where I show a lot more of how I do things and talk way more in-depth about the anxiety I deal with and how I deal with it.

#3 Don’t expect results right away. There is a really good quote from X. People overestimate how much they can get done in one year and underestimate what they can accomplish in 10.

I know 10 years sounds like forever but if that's what you commit to everything will happen way faster. Alternatively, you can work 10 years on a project you never commit to and get nowhere.

Is this something you want? Do you want this? Can you relate this to purpose? I’m going to do another whole video about using the concept of purpose to go after your dreams. Are you willing to risk time and effort to make this happen? We all die one day. Maybe this s your thing or maybe it's not. For me, I see this as a piece of the puzzle. If you can connect this a feeling of purpose it will motivate you

#4 Nothing is set in stone. Going back to the number 1 rule it's more important to get something out that has it be perfect. This is my current game plan and I’m going to see how it works. My niche could change. And really the way I define my niche will change. I’ll refine my idea and the way I present it. I could feel inspired by something else and just completely change the subject. I don't think I will but the point is to work through the worry that stops you from posting.

Experiment: If you want to create your own youtube channel, follow along with me. You have until I get my next video up the same bat time same bat place one week from today Sunday. If the only thing you can get up is you mumbling, that's fine. IT will probably help you think about what you want to do more the next week. Like there are two things happening here at the same time. Fear of posting and the challenges of production. Unless you face your fear of posting it's really easy for the two problems to combine making both more challenging. So get a video out. Or spend a couple of days thinking about your niche and get it out before I get my next video out. If you don't have much else to say talk about your process or struggles defining your niche. Just talking will get more comfortable in front of the camera.


I just feel awful. Like really overwhelmed and like. This project feels way too big. Like its way higher priority than it should be. I just feel anxious. Tons of fears going through me. My mind wants to associate it with the video and maybe it's related but it's not clear that that's the root.

Why is anxiety hard? This isn’t an absolute answer, more just what's on my mind rn. It's that anxiety is just confusing. Like everything gets piled into one small thought stream and I can't separate any of it. And at that point like everything just makes me feel anxious. It’s like when I’m in this state everything is setting me off so it's really hard to figure out what the root is.. or how to get out of it. I mean part of why I’m doing this is to face the anxiety. to feel it. By feeling it and trying not to get overwhelmed I do think it's possible to go into to understand the issue at that moment but it's also possible to get overwhelmed.

I do feel self-conscious just scrolling out how I’m thinking. It's like one of the things I feel anxious about is feeling self-conscious like I have to defend these words but I also think that that's surface level. That's why I’m doing this just to make myself feel that as I try to go deeper. Or at least just try to write and not get overwhelmed by that feeling.

There are def feelings of not being ok that come along with acknowledging the anxiety that is there and its effects on me and my perception. I mean this seems directly related to me being afraid to be myself in front of the camera. Afraid of people seeing my imperfections and fear. Afraid people are going to see what I’m doing and think that I’m doing it wrong or not following enough of the rules. Like how can I tell other people what to do when I’m just figuring this out myself? like what is my niche?

I suspect the real power is rooted in realizing that I can just be open here and it doesn’t really matter. That it’s not going to have some huge negative effect on me and that I can just be open and me.



Dylan Smeder

I am a life and relationship coach. The focus of this blog is self-coaching with anxiety.